
1. 完賽成績達標跑者報名時程:

達完賽成績標準選手:於指定賽事之成績達一定完賽時間內之跑者(完賽成績如表), 7/7(五)16:00至7/11(二)14:00於活動網站登記報名。登記報名時需上傳成績證明電子檔(如達標之完賽證書), 審核通過後將發送email通知並於7/14(五)10:00至7/18(二)17:00完成報名及繳交報名費用。 提送完賽成績證明&證書應與報名本賽事項目相同,上傳不正確成績證明視同資格不符。
日期 Date 流程 Procedure 說明 Details
7/7(五 Fri.)16:00 開放上傳成績證明 於指定賽事之成績達一定完賽時間內之跑者,審核通過後將發送email通知
7/11(二 Tue.)14:00 上傳成績證明截止 未於規定時間內上傳成績證明者將視同放棄本次優先報名資格。
7/14(五 Fri.)10:00 填寫報名資料/繳費 1.成績證明大會審核結果將以email通知,如未收到email通知可至活動網站查詢。
7/18(二 Tue.)17:00 報名截止 未於規定時間內繳費者將視同放棄本次優先報名資格。

2. 選手達標成績及賽事一覽表:

3. 賽前比賽物品領取方式(凡完成報名、繳費並取得參賽資格者):

(一) 親自領取:

  • 1. 時間:2023年12月14日(四)~15日(五) 13:00~20:00 ; 12月16日(六) 11:00~18:00。
  • 2. 地點:馬拉松運動博覽會-花博爭豔館(臺北市中山區玉門街1號)
  • (1) 報名回執單電子檔將統一於活動前一星期寄發EMAIL。報到時請告知窗口工作人員回執單號並出示身分證明文件。
  • (2) 委託他人代領者,可請受委託人告知回執單號、身份證件號碼即可代理領取,惟受託者需出示證件以備查驗。
  • (3) 如未收到電子回執單者,可於以下方式查詢回執單號:
  • A: 中華民國路跑協會網站首頁「報名查詢專區」。
  • B: 會場報到區設有報名查詢台,可利用報名人身分證字號查詢。
  • (4) 因故無法親自領取又無委託他人代領者,導致選手無法參賽,中華民國路跑協會將不再另行補發,物品請於賽後1星期內2023年12月18日~12月22日上班時間(上午08:30~12:00;下午13:30~17:30)至中華民國路跑協會領取(臺北市大同區昌吉街55號2樓206室,不含活動當天發放之完賽禮),逾期視同放棄,停止補發。

(二) 宅配領取:

  1. 1. 凡宅配領取者,本會於2023年12月7日~12月12日陸續寄送,採宅配方式統一寄出所需領取之比賽用物資。包裹(含號碼布、晶片及報名好禮)寄至報名表上所填的地址。請務必填寫正確及日間可簽收的郵寄地址,以免包裹無法寄達。如報名後需修改宅配地址,請於11月10日前務必與中華民國路跑協會(電話:02-25855659)主動聯繫,以免包裹無法寄達。
  2. 2. 請於配送期間注意包裹配送情況,如於2023年12月13日(星期三)前仍未收到包裹,於12月14日至15日(星期四至星期五)上班期間(上午08:30至12:00;下午13:30至17:30)主動來電02-2585-5659中華民國路跑協會查詢;如包裹送達而無人簽收,導致選手無法參賽,中華民國路跑協會將不再另行補寄,物品請於賽後1星期內12月18日~12月22日上班時間(上午08:30~12:00;下午13:30~17:30)至中華民國路跑協會領取(臺北市大同區昌吉街55號2樓206室,不含活動當天發放之完賽禮),逾期視同放棄,停止補發。
  3. 3. 宅配領取費用每人-臺灣本島NT120元/臺灣外島NT170元(澎湖縣、金門縣、連江縣、台東縣蘭嶼鄉、台東縣綠島鄉、屏東縣琉球鄉),請於報名同時繳交,限國內宅配地址;國外地址無提供宅配服務,請親自領取。
  4. 4. 收到宅配領取包裹代表已完成報到手續,請於活動當天12月17日逕自前往活動會場集合即可。
  5. 5. 活動當日恕不開放現場報到及領取物資。
  6. 6. 未完成領取參賽物品者,將自動喪失比賽資格,禁止進入比賽路線,裁判有權終止無號碼布選手進行比賽。

2023 Taipei Marathon-Priority Registration for Qualified Runners:

1.Qualified Runner Online Registration Schedule:

Date Description Remark
7/7(Fri.)16:00 Sign up and upload proof of qualified race completion. A confirmation email will be sent once verified.
7/11(Tue.)14:00 Deadline for uploading proof of qualified race completion. Failure to upload requested document will result in ineligibility for Priority Registration.
7/14(Fri.)10:00 Register and Pay 1. Once reviewed, the result will be informed through email. You may also check at the official website if you do not receive the email.
2. Those who are qualified will need to register by filling out all necessary information such as address, DOB, shirt size, race packet collection method, and payment information. Note that payment must be made before the deadline.
3. Please sign up for lottery if you are not qualified.
7/18(Tue.)17:00 Registration Close Failure to make the payment before the deadline means giving up the eligibility for Priority Registration.

2.Requirement for the Qualified Runners:

3.Check-in and Packet Pick-up (Please select methods during registration.):

(A) Self Check-In Before Event Day:

  1. 1. Date&Time:December 14th to 15th, 2023, from 13:00PM to 20:00PM ; December 16th, 2023, 11:00AM to 18:00PM.
  2. 2. Place:Taipei Expo Park – EXPO Dome (No.1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei)
  3. (1)A packet pick-up notice will be sent to you by email from the CTRRA one week before the race. Please have the notice number along with a photo ID ready with you.
  4. (2)If a runner cannot personally attend packet pickup, a friend or family member may pick up the packet by providing the runner’s ID number and the notice number. The person picking up the packet will also need to show their photo ID for inspection.
  5. (3)If you fail to receive a pick-up notice by email from CTRRA, the pick-up number can also be found on the CTRRA website by searching at the Registration Inquiry section. Pickup number can also be retrieved by the help of staff on with your ID number.
  6. (4)If neither of the above mentioned work for you, you will not be able to participate in the race without the bib and timing chip. Registration packet (not the finisher’s gift bag) will be available to be collected at CTRRA (Room 206, 2/F, No.55, Changji St., Datong District, Taipei City) again within a week after the race day from December 18th to 22nd, 2023 (08:30AM – 12:00PM ; 13:30PM – 17:30PM). No reservation and no late comers allowed.)

(B) Delivery of Race Packet by Postal Service:

  1. 1. Please note that the delivery service is only available within Taiwan and a postal fee must be paid in addition to the registration fee.
  2. 2. The CTRRA will mail the race packet by post to those who requested to receive it in the mail starting from December 7th to December 12th, 2023, to the address indicated during registration. Please be sure to provide correct mailing address in order to avoid any chance of a wrong delivery.
  3. 3. If the packet is unable to be delivered due to an improper address or nobody was able to sign for its receipt upon delivery thereby resulting in the participant being unable to take part in the event, the package will not be re-sent, but the participant may pick up the registrant’s packet (not the finisher’s packet) at the CTRRA office in the following week after the race (December 18th to 22nd, 2023) during working hours (Monday to Friday from 8:30AM to 12:00PM and 13:30PM to 17:30PM). After this period, the packet will be disposed.
  4. 4. Additional postal fee: NTD120 within Taiwan Main Island per person/NTD170 for Taiwan offshore islands.
  5. 5. Once you have received your race packet in the mail, your check-in procedure has been completed. Please arrive at the race venue on December 17th, 2023 as scheduled.
  6. 6. No race pack pick up on the race day!!

Qualified Runner Sign-Up

07/07(五 Fri.)16:00~07/11(二 Tue.)14:00

Qualification Inquiry

07/14(五 Fri.) 10:00 開放網路查詢

Registration for Qualified Runner

07/14(五 Fri.)10:00~07/18(二 Tue.)17:00

Registration Status

07/14(五 Fri.)10:00~07/18(二 Tue.)17:00
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