1.本次賽會一律採用網路登記,並以電腦抽籤方式抽出,各競賽組別名額包含免抽籤保障名額,如馬拉松組9,000人, 保障名額審核後最終人數為1,000人,則將抽出正取8,000人,依此類推,亦以電腦抽籤列出候補序號,依正取繳費狀況再進行後補程序。 登記前請先詳讀活動競賽規程,充分了解並願意遵守規程上所有事項後,請上臺北馬拉松官網http://www.taipeicitymarathon.com之登記抽籤專區,填妥資料, 送出即不接受登記事項更改。待公布正取名單後,正取者需進入活動專區填寫相關資料及選擇線上信用卡刷卡或超商繳款。請確認資料無誤後再進行繳費,一經繳費完成後即不接受報名事項更改。 選擇信用卡繳費者,請勿重覆更新畫面。完成繳費可於中華民國路跑協會網站報名查詢頁面查詢相關報名資料。
All races will be registered online and be processed through a computerized lucky draw. For each race group, there will be a number of spots reserved for those who are waived from the lottery. For example, if the field size for the marathon group is 9,000 and there appear to be 1,000 qualifiers who have earned guaranteed entry after being reviewed and verified, then the number of registrants to be drawn will be 8,000. The remaining registrants will be placed on the waiting list and be given a number in line. Before signing up for the entry lottery, please be sure to read and fully understand all race rules and regulations on Taipei Marathon official website https://www.taipeicitymarathon.com. Once you have read and understand them, please make sure all information is filled out correctly and completely (no changes can be made after the deadline). Once the list of the names drawn is published and announced on the CTRRA website, entrants will have to register and choose their method of payment, either by credit card to pay at a convenience store. Once the registration form is submitted, no change in race category will be permitted. After confirming all details correct, please proceed to complete your payment. If you choose to pay by credit card, please do not refresh the browser or click “previous” on the toolbar in order to avoid unsuccessful transaction. Once the payment is completed, you may check and view your registration details on the CTRRA website.

2.登記報名抽籤時詳加評估自身實力是否具有能力在限時內完成比賽。抽中資格並已完成繳費手續者,不得以任何理由要求更換人名、參賽項目, 亦不得因無法參賽轉讓參賽資格。未於規定時間內繳費者不具參賽資格,嚴禁代跑及陪跑。
Please carefully assess your health condition and physical ability for finishing the race within the time limit. Those whose names are drawn and have registered will not be allowed to have their name, race category, shirt size, etc., modified once the registration procedure has been completed. Entries are not transferrable regardless of any reason. Please note that if payment is not made before the deadline, you will no longer be eligible to participate in your registered race and the organizers reserve the right to withdraw you from the race.

Selected participants who made the payment in stipulated time period may go on the www.sportsnet.org.tw "Registration Inquiry" to check up your registration information.

4.報名流程 On-line registration procedure:
日期 Date 流程 Procedure 說明 Details
7/16(二 TUES.)16:00 ~ 7/29(一 MON.)17:00 開放登記
1.一律採網路登記(需抽籤,無團體報名), (請審慎評估及其他參賽資料等確認無誤,資料一旦送出即無法更改)。
1.Online registration only (lottery required, no group registration).
2.When pre-registering, please be sure to provide accurate and truthful information. All persons who provide inaccurate or false identity information shall be withdrawn from registration list.
07/31(三 WED.)10:00 開放抽籤結果查詢(正取及備取)
Selection of Lucky Draw Candidates and Waiting List Nos.
1.The name list of selected candidates from lucky draw will be announced on CTRRA website with an email notification sent to selected candidates.
2.Please double check when entering information and ensure that your email address is correct.
7/31(三 WED.)10:00 ~ 8/05 (一 MON.)17:00 正取開放繳費時段
Payment Transaction Period
1.Selected registrants must fill out relevant info, including their contact address, D.O.B, shirt size, and method of getting race pack.
2.Selected lucky draw candidates must select their form of payment and complete the payment transaction according to their recorded registration info. All participants selected by the lucky draw must complete the payment transaction in time or they shall be withdrawn from the race.
8/06 (二 TUES.)10:00 公告候補名單
Announcement of Payment for Waiting List Candidates
1.Selected waitilisted candidates will be announced on CTRRA website with an email notification and become eligible to register for the race.
2.Please double check when entering information and ensure that your email address is correct.
8/06(二 TUES.)10:00 ~ 8/08(四 THURS.)17:00 候補名單開放繳費時段
Waiting List Payment Transaction Period
1.Selected waitlisted candidates must fill out relevant info, including their contact address, D.O.B, Shirt size, and method of getting race pack.
2.Selected waitlisted candidates must select their form of payment and complete the payment transaction according to their recorded registration info. All participants selected by the lucky draw must complete the payment transaction in time or they shall be withdrawn from the race.

■ 登記前請先詳讀活動競賽規程,充分了解並願意遵守規程中所有事項後,請至活動報名網頁之登記抽籤專區,填妥報名資料,送出即不接受登記事項更改。
Prior to pre-registering, please be sure to read and understand all of the related race activity event rules and regulations, no changes to your data and info will be permitted after you submitted the pre-registration form.
■ 完成抽籤資料登記者不代表完成活動報名、亦不代表已取得參賽名額。
Once you have finished signing up, it doesn’t mean you already get the spot for the event.
■ 待公佈正取名單後,抽中者依據繳費方式完成活動費用繳納。請確認資料無誤後再進行繳費,一經繳費完成後即不接受報名事項更改。
Selected lucky draw candidates must select their form of payment and complete the payment transaction according to their recorded registration info. All participants selected by the lucky draw must complete the payment transaction within a stipulated time period or they shall be withdrawn from the race.
■ 登記抽籤資料時請詳加評估自身實力是否具有能力在限時內完成比賽。具中籤錄取資格並己完成繳費手續者,不得以任何理由要求更換人名、參賽項目、衣服尺寸
Please be sure to carefully assess your condition and capability of finishing the race within the stipulated time period. No changes to all of the registration items of information such as name,race event,t-shirt size, etc., will be permitted once the registration procedure has been completed for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore, registrants may not transfer their entry to others due to not being able to take part in the race event.
■ 具中籤錄取資格並於規定時間內完成繳費之參賽者,可至活動報名網頁之查詢專區查詢是否已完成報名程序。
Selected lucky draw candidates can go to (Registration Status) to check your registration information after completing your payment transaction.
競賽規章 Event regulations


07/16(二 TUES.)16:00 ~ 07/29(一 MON.)17:00

Pre-Registration Lucky Draw Inquiry

07/16(二 TUES.)16:00 ~ 07/29(一 MON.)17:00

Qualification Inquiry

08/06(二 TUES.)10:00 開放網路查詢

Eligible Applicants Sign-Up

08/06(二 TUES.)10:00 ~ 08/08(四 THURS.)17:00

Registration Status

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上班時間 週一~週五 / 上午 8:30 ~ 12:00 / 下午 1:30 ~ 5:30 / 週六、週日不上班
Office Hours Mon.~ Fri/ 08:30am-12:00pm / 13:30pm-17:30pm/ Sat.-Sun Off Duty